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Emergency Assistance Plan

Little Horkesley Parish Council has drawn up an Emergency Assistance Plan which outlines the procedural arrangements in the event it is required to respond to a declared emergency affecting, or with the potential to affect the residents of the parish.


All major emergencies will be dealt with by the emergency services, local authorities, utilities and voluntary agencies.

The Emergency Plan is not intended to be a substitute for these services, and in the event of an emergency the first course of action should always be to contact the emergency services by dialling 999.


Emergencies can occur with little or no warning and could be caused by many different factors including:


  • Natural disaster

  • Severe weather / village cut off

  • Power failures

  • Failures of communication (telephone / broadband)

  • Technological / industrial accident

  • Terrorism

  • Unauthorised encampment


The risk to the parish from any of these events is small and difficult to assess. The Plan focuses on how the Parish Council would assist in providing an emergency reception centre and how it could support vulnerable residents. If you are a resident and wish to be included on the Vulnerable Persons Register please make your request to the Clerk of the Parish Council. The Register is highly confidential and will be reviewed annually. It is intended for use only in an extreme emergency. 


The purpose of the Emergency Assistance Plan is to detail the role of the Parish Council in the event of a declared emergency.

The responsibility for any action required as the result of an emergency lies with the Professional Emergency Services. These will be supported by the Local Authority. The role of the Parish Council is to assist the Emergency Services and the Borough Council in implementing their plans.


This might include the following roles:


  • Nominating an appropriate Control Centre coordinating with Colchester Borough Council and the Emergency Services

  • Deploying Parish resources

  • Delegating tasks to the Parish Emergency Team (PET)

  • Ensuring a rota of subsequent leaders and support teams is available in the event of a prolonged emergency

  • Appointing a member of the PET to lead the team in the control centre



Useful Contact Numbers


Julie Orme (Village Hall)

01206 271 841

Joanna Petersen (Parish Council Clerk)

07747 803 870

Chair of the Parish Council


UK Power Networks

0800 31 63 105



0300 1234 999


Environment Agency

Flood Information

08459 88 11 88


General Enquiries

09798 506 506


Incident Hotline

0800 807 060


Highways Agency

0300 123 5000



BBC Essex 95.3 and 103.5 FM

01245 616 000


Heart Colchester 96.1 FM

01206 575 859


Heart Essex 96.3 and 102.6 FM


Actual Radio Online local radio

01206 638 453



This plan will be reviewed and updated once a year. Copies will be held by the Parish Clerk and all Parish Councillors.

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