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The Parish Council makes representations of various consultation documents issued by the local Planning Authority - Colchester Borough Council (CBC). These documents are part of the ongoing process by which CBC develops its strategic policies and development policies, looking ahead at the development needs of the district.

Our other key role is as consultee for Planning Applications submitted to CBC for development in the parish ; CBC notifies the Clerk of such applications. Occasionally we will also consider those significant proposals which may affect the parish, even if they are outside the parish or district. Our responses may be to comment, to suggest alterations or improvements, to object or to support proposals.

Photograph of WestwoodPark

Parishioners interested in any Planning Applications will find details at Colchester Borough Council's planning pages.

Village Design Statement

A Village Design Statement (VDS) is an assessment of a village's character and qualities, prepared by the villagers and formally accepted by the Borough Council. It identifies what the villagers call about their area, and what they consider are the important characteristics and features to be retained as part of any new development.


It is intended to provide local; information about the village, its environs and the wishes of its population and should complement national and local planning policies when any development is planned in the village. A VDS provides guidance and recommendations to property owners and developers on future changes - large and small, in the village. It also provides additional information and guidance to the Borough Council officers and Members considering planning applications.


The production of a VDS for Little Horkesley was initiated by the Parish Council in 2009 and completed in 2010. This can be viewed here

Planning Applications.                  

You are able to view all planning applications on line at Colchester Borough Council's planning pages


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