December 2018
Members of Little Horkesley Parish Council and Colchester Borough Council joined for an evening to thank Roger for his contribution to the Parish Council.
The Chairman, Maria Oats presented Roger with a personalised paper weight of a map of Little Horkesley.
Roger has acted as Parish Clerk for many years - so many that even he cannot remember how long he has held the position, but it is at least 15 years and probably significantly longer.
The role of the Parish Clerk is not an easy one - it involves organising and minuting all council meetings; following up and acting upon the council's decisions; and having overall responsibility for the council's finances and compliance with regulations.
Over the years, Roger has grappled on behalf of the village with issues over potholes, footpaths, damage to verges, planning issues and numerous other matters. Roger's biggest passion is the preservation of the local countryside and in particular the protection of the Dedham Vale AONB, and that has been a priority for him in his years working for the parish as both councillor and clerk.
The position of parish clerk is usually a paid role. Roger has fulfilled this important role without payment, thereby saving the parish a significant amount of money over the years.
We are extremely grateful for his invaluable contribution to the parish - he is going to be a hard act to follow.