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National Grid East Anglian "GREEN" Project


Little Horkesley Parish Council response to National Grid'

s Proposal for the Location of the East Anglian GREEN Project.

By now many of the residents of the parish will be aware of National Grid's proposals to construct a 180km corridor of pylons through East Anglia, and how this will stretch across the village’s southern border. In places it will come within 50m of the Dedham Vale AONB that we all cherish, and passes very close by to our only ancient woodland Slough Grove.

Not all of the Parish of Little Horkesley is within the AONB so there will be massive 50m pylons in some locations very close to the village.


The council has numerous concerns that have not been addressed by National Grid in their proposals, or in their limited engagement with the residents. We have listed a few below:

• National Grid have not demonstrated adequately that there is an actual need for these pylons and their Ten Year Statement (ETYS) suggests there is not a need for this new capacity in our local area if they chose to upgrade their existing network instead.

• The residents along the whole of the proposed pylon route need to be given a proper consultation. The documentation provided is short on detail with a lack of transparency on costings and no adequate reasons for rejection of other routes. It doesn’t actually provide any alternatives other than the single proposed route. At the very least a subsea cabling route needs to be included for examination.

• No proper consideration has been given locally on the impact this will have on the AONB, despite mentioning several times that our village is a sensitive area and acknowledging they will potentially have to mitigate (place cables underground). We need more detail.

• The whole consultation seems premature considering the imminent arrival of the Sea Link consultation, and the offshore transmission review. They must wait a few months to see the outcome of those consultations that will potentially have a bearing on this proposal.

The consultation is so flawed that we deem it as invalid and cannot be relied upon either to gauge public opinion or as the basis for any later Statutory Consultation. Given these significant flaws we believe the whole consultation needs to be run afresh including alternatives such as but not limited to a strategic offshore ring-main, and proper examination of other routes.

Little Horkesley Parish Council are wholly in favour of increased renewable energy. However, this is not a renewable energy project; it is an electricity transmission project and should not be dressed up as GREEN. We shall be supporting campaign groups in strongly encouraging that all cabling for the East Anglia Green Project should be SUBSEA and not overland.

To discover more about the campaign group then visit their website where you can read a lot more information, complete a survey and sign the petition if you choose to.



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